You should never create a government department to address a problem because you'll never get rid of the problem. The agency will address all kinds of other issues, and never eliminate the problem." - Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister. The Family Court, Juvenile Court and Restraining Order System Is Broken! Here is The Legal Help You Need- Free!
This web site - - is your crisis and survival guide when you get pulled into a divorce, paternity, domestic abuse restraining orders (Mass. General Laws Ch. 209A) or child abuse and neglect case. (DCF). It is written in English, not lawyer-talk. There is no cost, no catch, nothing for sale here. The information in the links in the "MENU" above will help you save your family and children from an abusive and unfair family and juvenile court legal system that has no pity and offers little hope. I am Gregory A. Hession, J.D., a lawyer in Masssachusetts since 1993, and I put this site together because I saw so many people suffering at the hands of the legal system. Few lawyers wanted to help people understand the system or expose the secrets of what they could do to fight for their families and win. __________________________________ This site exposes some of the dirty tricks used by courts and child protection agencies and how you can fight them and win, despite the odds. You cannot fight these things straight on. Only guerrilla war works. Lawyers hide this knowledge for some reason, and the government will never admit how painfully slow and unfair their laws and court system are. In real courts, you get a presumption of innocence, the right to a jury, the need for the state to prove wrong beyond a reasonable doubt, courts open to the press and the public, real rules of evidence, and much else. The family court/juvenile/domestic violence system takes all that away, and is pretty much broken and ruined because of it. It sometimes gets it right, but more often it harms families, takes children from fit parents, bankrupts its victims, takes children for profit, plunders the taxpayers, and fills jails, courts, and unemployment lines. It robs persons of their children, rights, dignity, guns, money, and souls. Almost anyone who has ever stepped into a family or juvenile court knows that what I have written above is true - except, it seems - the lawyers, the judges, and the people running the system. This site shines the light of day on the terrible inside truths about the seamy underbelly of the legal system. Once you get that knowledge, you at least have a fighting chance to get some justice out of a system which does not give it up easily. A few examples:
These examples do not mean that everyone in the system is no good. There are many good people in the legal system who are just struggling to do their jobs, (along with some who are not so good.) It is the system itself which is corrupted, and seems to have no pity, no justice, no mercy, and no fairness. The people at the top are a different story. They know exactly what they have done to families by their system, and they do it on purpose. The Iron Triangle of Family Law I call these three legal areas of law - restraining orders, child protection and family court - the "Iron Triangle" of family law. Sometimes a person will be snared by two or three of these cases at once, and it just crushes them. Even worse, sometimes the state brings a criminal case at the same time, such as a violation of a restraining order, an assault and battery, or a false allegation of sexual abuse. When used together, these legal cases can discourage and destroy even the strongest person. Given this, never call the cops unless there is blood or actual threat of injury or harm. You will lose your family. Never call DCF unless it is a total last resort. If you ask them for help, you will lose your kids. If you have ever been there, you know what I am talking about. You Might Be an Abuser If . . . You might be an "abuser" in the eyes of the law if you:
Everything centers around the legal concepts of "abuse" or "neglect", which are badly defined in the law. (The articles in the menu above will give you the exact definitions of abuse and neglect for each type of case.) This web site is not intended to justify real, actual abuse to anyone, but to help people who are falsely accused. The law calls many persons abusive or neglectful who are really not, because the definitions are so badly written. Wait a Minute - Aren't Some Parents Really Bad? Yes, there are some parents who are swinish, and who should lose their kids. The breakdown in our family culture is severe and getting worse. The problem is: the system cannot diagnose or fix these problems. The state cannot be a substitute family, and provide needed self-restraint, love, diligence, religious training, or suffice for any other human need. Most parents try to do the best they can, but are imperfect. Others are grossly irresponsible, drugging, boozing, bedding random people, and all the while teaching the children a terrible way of life, as well as neglecting their needs on every level. Some abusive parents need help to change, and are willing to try, but the system rarely provides that help. In most cases, persons are punished all out of proportion to the offense, because of all the political nonsense that controls the legal system. Some parents need to change some things: They are angry and pop off about everything, and then wonder why the children are angry. They yell and criticize the other parent, and wonder why they get no respect. They are lazy or addicted to drugs or booze, and then wonder why the kids are screwed up. Some parents have had a bad life with bad breaks, but instead of overcoming it, they play the perpetual victim, and wonder why their kids have trouble. Some parents are dependent on state money and benefits, and wonder why the children are not trying harder. Some refuse to get married and wonder why the kids are promiscuous and rebellious. “To put the world in right order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.” - Confucius So, get straightened out, and get out of the "system", because you can't be part of the "system" and fight it at the same time. WHY is this happening? Most of us don't think about the legal system much, because most of us don't get involved with it or snagged by it. People assume the system is just and fair, and if they just tell the truth, justice will happen. Wrong. Crazy wrong! People ask me two questions more than any others: 1) Why is this happening to me? OR How can this be happening in America? 2) How can we change this horrible, unfair system. So, why is this happening?. How can the system be so evil and unfair? The answer is this simple: Money and power. It is in the death grip of the big-government elite "establishment", which makes a lot of money out of it, and thinks it knows best and should impose its anti-life beliefs on families who don't know any better. Who is this "establishment"? Lawyers, Guardians ad litem, therapists, lawyers, politicians, activists, lawyers, social workers, doctors, lawyers, investigators, court personnel, lawyers, you get the idea. The state legislature has passed laws that are supposed to set out a fair and just family and juvenile court system, but the feds have put such huge $$$$$$$ into the system that money drives every last thing that happens. The feds pay the state DCF big money for every child they kidnap and adopt out, up to a quarter million bucks per year per kid. The feds also pay the state court system a "commission" for every child support order they issue, so forget getting a shared parenting order. The feds pay women's groups and courts trainloads of money for stirring up "domestic abuse" conflict and issuing restraining orders. It's all about the Benjamins, not about the justice. Of course. there are other problems in changing the system. If Senator Slither actually had a conscience (haha) and wanted to change the restraining order law so fewer people would be falsely and unjustly accused of abuse, The Boston Globe headline would read: "Senator Slither Advocates for More Domestic Violence." If Senator Slander wanted to stop the Dept. of Children and Families from kidnapping children based on false allegations, the Globe would scream: "Senator Slander Favors Child Abuse." So, nothing happens. But even that is not all there is to it. In the cesspool that is the state legislature, (and I assure you, that is being far too kind to it) the committee which controls these laws has powerful family court lawyers who run it and make millions from making sure that nothing changes. Advocates have asked this committee to make changes in these laws for years, but they absolutely will not do it, because they make too much money off of the carcasses of the families they ruin, in return for huge legal fees and massive campaign contributions and support of advocacy groups and non-profits which provide "services" to government agencies. So now you know why it is happening. Not that it changes anything, but it at least explains why things are so messed up. What Can Be Done? So, can anything be done? How can we change things? Especially when these buffoons and poltroons seem to care only for their re-election and what "The People That Matter" think of them. We really need a shake up. I don't know what direction it will come from, but we sure need it. It probably won't come from the next politician. Remember The Who's great line from their song, "Won't Get Fooled Again": "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." David the Psalmist said the same thing several thousand years before: "Trust ye not in princes or the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation." There is really nothing new under the sun, one of the sayings of his son King Solomon. You usually can't even sue them. They have made laws to protect themselves from the people they hurt. (they call it sovereign immunity.) They won't let anyone use their system to harm or change their system. In the end, there are just a few things that can be effective: 1. Publicize the insane actions of the courts and agencies; 2. Lobby the legislature to change the law. 3. Fight a guerrilla war in your own case. That last item is what this site is about, and you can see how to do it in the various articles available in the menu above. Below is some introductory information about the three types of family legal cases on this site. They are continued onto inside pages by clicking the buttons below them. In the drop-down menus at the top of the page you will find dozens of articles on these family law topics, and even some really great lawyer and social worker jokes (under the "Misc." menu.) Also, check out this interview I did with Fallon O'Brien about the dirty tricks used by the Dept. of Children and Families (or whatever your state child protection agency is called.) INTERVIEW ON FALLON'S DAILY TOAST AT SOMERVILLE ACCESS TELEVISION
Attorney Gregory A. Hession J.D.
Shepherd Gregory A. Hession
For some biography of Attorney Hession, and an explanation of why a sheep, click here.
Attorney Hession's new book on restraining order defense for lawyers and others. Click Here to see how to get it. Also, watch for the non-lawyer version coming soon.
Click here to see our Free The Law Blog, for punchy articles on family law, restraining orders and child protection.
Restraining Order Outrage
Dept. of Children & Families Outrage |
Family Court Outrage |
They may be called:
In the worst, most manipulative cases, you see the person depicted by The Rolling Stones in the last verse of their epic, You Can't Always Get What You Want: I saw her today at the reception, In her glass was a bleeding man. She was practiced at the art of deception. I could tell by her blood stained hands. |
The Dept. of Children and Families (DCF) - or whatever the child protection agency in your state is called - exploits the mistakes of parents. They have their spy network out there everywhere and are looking at you. They also have a "snitch hotline" that everyone in the child's life must call if they even suspect a hint of abuse or neglect.
This is the exact system used in communist countries to control the population. For example, in Cuba, if your neighbor called the "Committee for the Defense of the Revolution" and reported that you said something against the state, you were a goner. Same here in the good old U.S.A. If your neighbor, the child's teacher, a cop, a doctor, a nurse, a day care worker, a therapist, or just about anyone else reports you to the "child abuse hotline", which I call the "snitch network", you and your child are goners, or are at least in for the worst hell of your life. |
Divorce and paternity cases usually leave everyone broke, angry, and exhausted. Children need both parents, but courts often don't see it that way, despite their own explicit policies to promote shared parenting. See, for example, this Massachusetts official court booklet called Planning for Shared Parenting
The U.S. Supreme Court has stated that a parent has a fundamental right to raise a child. Family courts typically take children away from one fit parent and give them to the other parent, usually the mother, rather than ensuring joint parenting. Then the court awards child support, even if both parents are actually supporting the child already. |
A Few Final Personal Notes
This web site is here to give you help and hope in a time of pain and crisis, and to let you know that you can get through it somehow. Each menu at the top of the page has many articles which you can get to by scrolling over it to see the drop down menu and clicking on the article you want to read.
As you can probably tell from what I have written, I do not like many things about the legal system, because it is unfair and unjust in how it treats people. A lot of lawyers agree, but they don't want to fight it, or have made their peace with it. I have not and will not. I remain outraged at the injustice I see every day, and angry at the evil it does against families.
There is no substitute for knowing the inside information that lawyers know, and this site will give you a good start on that. To survive and win, you may also need to do a lot of your own research in books, or even get a lawyer's help. You will find links and recommendations to those resources at various places all over this web site. You CAN get through it. Consider these quotes:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:7
"Let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me." Ps. 25:2.
"May He deliver His people from the bitter torment of godless authorities". - Soviet era prayer.
I also have to do a disclaimer: "The information presented on this web site is general educational information and political opinion only, and is not intended to be specific legal advice for your case. Please consult a lawyer to assist you in your own situation." Ok, that's done.
I (attorney Gregory Hession) am available to represent a limited number of persons or families in restraining order, Family, or DCF cases, or appeals of these cases, in any court in Massachusetts. You can contact me at [email protected] or (413) 289-9164. I am not a foundation or group, but a lawyer since 1993, a shepherd with a little farm in Thorndike (Palmer), Massachusetts, located about halfway between Sturbridge and Springfield, right off Exit 8 of the Mass. Pike. I am also a writer and publisher, who wants parents to have the information on MassOutrage at no charge.
If you need actual legal representation for your case, however, that requires a fee like any other service, but ours are as reasonable as we can make them. I also have some reliable Massachusetts lawyer colleagues who can help if I am unavailable.
The biggest thing missing from lawyers who do these cases is empathy. They don't understand that you want your family back, and you want your life back. Lawyers seem strangely distant and unconcerned about that, rather than seeing your pain and trying to help you get through the worst time in your life.
To give you correct, ethical and effective legal advice on your case, I would need to meet you, see all the paperwork, and understand the whole situation that is happening to you. Thus, I cannot give legal advice on your case by email or phone, prior to meeting you. If you think you may want me to represent you, we can discuss your case briefly on the phone, and set up a free initial appointment. Go to the contact page above.
I hope that the information on this site helps you start to find answers to your legal problem, gives you some measure of hope, and points you in the right direction to get the additional information you need.
Best regards,
Gregory A. Hession J.D.
93 Summer Street
P.O. Box 543
Thorndike, MA 01079
(413) 289-9164
(413) 289-6649 (fax)
As you can probably tell from what I have written, I do not like many things about the legal system, because it is unfair and unjust in how it treats people. A lot of lawyers agree, but they don't want to fight it, or have made their peace with it. I have not and will not. I remain outraged at the injustice I see every day, and angry at the evil it does against families.
There is no substitute for knowing the inside information that lawyers know, and this site will give you a good start on that. To survive and win, you may also need to do a lot of your own research in books, or even get a lawyer's help. You will find links and recommendations to those resources at various places all over this web site. You CAN get through it. Consider these quotes:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:7
"Let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me." Ps. 25:2.
"May He deliver His people from the bitter torment of godless authorities". - Soviet era prayer.
I also have to do a disclaimer: "The information presented on this web site is general educational information and political opinion only, and is not intended to be specific legal advice for your case. Please consult a lawyer to assist you in your own situation." Ok, that's done.
I (attorney Gregory Hession) am available to represent a limited number of persons or families in restraining order, Family, or DCF cases, or appeals of these cases, in any court in Massachusetts. You can contact me at [email protected] or (413) 289-9164. I am not a foundation or group, but a lawyer since 1993, a shepherd with a little farm in Thorndike (Palmer), Massachusetts, located about halfway between Sturbridge and Springfield, right off Exit 8 of the Mass. Pike. I am also a writer and publisher, who wants parents to have the information on MassOutrage at no charge.
If you need actual legal representation for your case, however, that requires a fee like any other service, but ours are as reasonable as we can make them. I also have some reliable Massachusetts lawyer colleagues who can help if I am unavailable.
The biggest thing missing from lawyers who do these cases is empathy. They don't understand that you want your family back, and you want your life back. Lawyers seem strangely distant and unconcerned about that, rather than seeing your pain and trying to help you get through the worst time in your life.
To give you correct, ethical and effective legal advice on your case, I would need to meet you, see all the paperwork, and understand the whole situation that is happening to you. Thus, I cannot give legal advice on your case by email or phone, prior to meeting you. If you think you may want me to represent you, we can discuss your case briefly on the phone, and set up a free initial appointment. Go to the contact page above.
I hope that the information on this site helps you start to find answers to your legal problem, gives you some measure of hope, and points you in the right direction to get the additional information you need.
Best regards,
Gregory A. Hession J.D.
93 Summer Street
P.O. Box 543
Thorndike, MA 01079
(413) 289-9164
(413) 289-6649 (fax)
Meet Squinky the Social Worker and her bosses!
A humorous catalog of the people you will meet at the Department of Children and Families Area Office
First, meet Squinky, your social worker. She is childless and clueless, and has learned everything she knows about children and families from her social justice studies classes at Wellesley College. Her job is to fix you and your family, and to do the bidding of her supervisor, Moose. (See below.)
You will know that you are dealing with a Squinky when you ask a question about why the agency is involved with your family, and she says, "Uh, like, I mean, you know. Reasons." Squinky will visit your house monthly and oversee your case, always lugging her water bottle or Starbucks iced coffee.
Squinky will follow the script from the DCF play book to a T whether it makes any sense or not, and it will not. However, she will have no clue about the actual law or regulations - and especially the protections of the U.S. and Massachusetts Constitutions - that she has to obey. That is stuff for her supervisor Moose to tell her.........

Here is Moose, Squinky's supervisor. Squinky does not make a move without Moose's approval, and it's Moose who is really calling the shots on the day-to-day management of your case. If you don't get to see your child very much, it is Moose behind the scenes pulling the strings.
Moose manages a squad of five or six Squinkys, and is very over-worked, mostly because she won't work past five o'clock. She clawed up into her supervisor position because she is more ruthless, more cynical, more burnt out, more crazy, and more conscienceless than any of her fellow Squinkys.
Moose manages a squad of five or six Squinkys, and is very over-worked, mostly because she won't work past five o'clock. She clawed up into her supervisor position because she is more ruthless, more cynical, more burnt out, more crazy, and more conscienceless than any of her fellow Squinkys.
The next level up in the DCF area office food chain is the "Area Program Manager". Jake here is one of the agency's most solid specimens, who is known around the office for his dressing for success. When the big decisions have to be made, like whether to kidnap your children, release them from captivity, or decide whether to bring an adoption case about your kids to trial in the Juvenile Court, Jake has to sign off on the action.
Jake manages a bunch of supervisors, who each are assigned to one aspect of the DCF area operation, such as investigations, on-going social work, or running the after-hours child kidnapping squad.
As you can see, Jake is the very picture of steady leadership with that look of quiet strength and maturity that makes everyone trust in his experience and judgment on the tough calls.
Jake manages a bunch of supervisors, who each are assigned to one aspect of the DCF area operation, such as investigations, on-going social work, or running the after-hours child kidnapping squad.
As you can see, Jake is the very picture of steady leadership with that look of quiet strength and maturity that makes everyone trust in his experience and judgment on the tough calls.
The top dog in each of the 29 DCF area offices is the "Director of Areas". Vampira here is one of the agency's most reliable Directors of Areas: Bloodless, cool under fire, and always ready to sink her teeth into any management problem in the office.
You will never see Vampira, as she only comes out at night, but her influence is always felt in how Squinky, Moose and Jake treat you and your children. You wouldn't want to see her anyway, at least not without a cross and garlic. The best directors of areas don't lose track of too many children under their control, don't have too many children die while in their captivity, and don't create too much scandal due to dreadful mismanagement of the area office. Not TOO much. |

And here is one last character you may run into if the worst happens: Arnold the DCF lawyer/prosecutor.
If the DCF takes your children from you and you end up in Juvenile Court, here is the dude who will present DCF's case to the judge against you.
He is a little difficult to get along with. Back in 1984, here's what they said about him: "It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."
Arnold, as you can imagine, is a total "company man", a true cyborg, fanatically intent on destroying your family. Nothing will stop him and nothing will get in his way: The truth, the law, the constitution, or human decency or kindness.
No, he will be back again and again until he terminates your parental rights, or your lawyer has the skill, strength and persistence to terminate him.
If the DCF takes your children from you and you end up in Juvenile Court, here is the dude who will present DCF's case to the judge against you.
He is a little difficult to get along with. Back in 1984, here's what they said about him: "It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."
Arnold, as you can imagine, is a total "company man", a true cyborg, fanatically intent on destroying your family. Nothing will stop him and nothing will get in his way: The truth, the law, the constitution, or human decency or kindness.
No, he will be back again and again until he terminates your parental rights, or your lawyer has the skill, strength and persistence to terminate him.
How can I be so glib about such a serious topic? "One horse laugh is worth ten thousand syllogisms." - H.L. Mencken. In other words, mockery is more effective than logic.